Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

Keeping Your Home Cool & Comfortable

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and outdoor fun. But it’s also a time to take care of your home and ensure that it stays cool, comfortable, and in top condition. Here’s a summer home maintenance checklist to help you get started:

  1. Check your air conditioning system: Make sure your air conditioning system is in good working order before the hottest months arrive. Schedule a professional inspection and maintenance visit to ensure that your AC is clean, safe, and efficient.

  2. Clean air conditioning filters: Change or clean your air conditioning filters on a regular basis to improve air flow and keep your home cool and comfortable.

  3. Inspect your roof: Check for any missing, damaged, or curled shingles on your roof. If you find any issues, schedule a repair or replacement as soon as possible to prevent leaks and water damage.

  4. Check windows and doors: Check for any air leaks around your windows and doors. Use weather stripping and caulking to seal any gaps and prevent hot air from entering your home.

  5. Maintain your lawn and garden: Water your lawn and garden regularly, mow the grass, and remove any dead or yellowing plants. Properly maintaining your lawn and garden will keep it healthy and green all summer long.

  6. Inspect outdoor fixtures: Check outdoor fixtures, such as lighting, faucets, and sprinkler systems, to ensure that they are in good working order. Repair or replace any fixtures that are not functioning properly.

  7. Clean outdoor spaces: Clean outdoor spaces, such as decks, patios, and balconies, to improve their appearance and make them ready for summer entertaining.

By following this summer home maintenance checklist, you can ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable all season long. If you have any questions or need help with any of these tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local real estate professionals. We’re always here to help!


Fall Home Maintenance Checklist


Spring Home Maintenance Checklist