Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Preparing Your Home for the Cooler Months

Fall is the perfect time to get your home ready for the cooler months ahead. With a little bit of preparation, you can ensure that your home stays cozy, comfortable, and in top condition all season long. Here’s a fall home maintenance checklist to help get you started:

  1. Check your heating system: Make sure your heating system is in good working order before the cold weather arrives. Schedule a professional inspection and maintenance visit to ensure that your furnace is clean, safe, and efficient.

  2. Clean gutters and downspouts: Clear leaves, debris, and blockages from your gutters and downspouts. This will prevent water damage to your home and help ensure that rain and melted snow are properly channeled away from your foundation.

  3. Inspect the roof: Check for any missing, damaged, or curled shingles on your roof. If you find any issues, schedule a repair or replacement as soon as possible to prevent leaks and water damage.

  4. Seal windows and doors: Check for any air leaks around your windows and doors. Use weather stripping and caulking to seal any gaps and prevent drafts from entering your home.

  5. Prepare your lawn and garden: Cut back perennials, remove dead leaves, and store garden tools for the winter. Properly winterizing your lawn and garden will ensure that it’s healthy and ready to grow again in the spring.

  6. Service your appliances: Schedule a maintenance appointment for your refrigerator, stove, oven, and other appliances. Regular maintenance will keep them running smoothly and prevent costly breakdowns during the winter.

  7. Install a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can help you save money on your heating bill by automatically adjusting the temperature when you’re not home.

By following this fall home maintenance checklist, you can ensure that your home is ready for the cooler months ahead. If you have any questions or need help with any of these tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local real estate professionals. We’re always here to help!


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